TE938 on 82?! Now I call that an odd working - or not?

LK58 KHC stands at Victoria on route 82.
Now the 82 uses TPL's, as of February 25th 2013, but the route is to get brand new TE's from next month, with some buses already arriving at CELF but TE's from 263's allocation keep appearing on the route. I decided to make a list below on why it is an odd working and why it's not:

Reasons why it is an odd working:

- The route has not gained the TE's that are to enter service, it's still February so the buses don't enter service until March.

- TE938 and any other bus from this batch of vehicles will not become part of 82's allocation as far as we know, for now.

- The route is to still use TPL's for now.

- The route is to use Euro 5 TE's not Euro 4.

Reasons why it isn't an odd working:

- Metroline has a strong love of shuffling vehicles in-garage and between garages so this bus could end up being on 82's allocation (Unlikely).

- These type of buses are going to be in service next month.

Those were my statements on what I think, that it is an odd working, but if you have different opinions, leave a comment below! I hope you've enjoyed reading this post and remember to stay safe!


  1. This is in no way shape or form an "odd" working. TE's are put out on the route almost every day without fail. I should know as the route has been my local for 14 years!

  2. Thanks for the comment, George! It's nice to know that you chipped in your opinion! It would be very interesting to see the new TE's for the route in service. :)

    Stay Safe!
